Contact us Today to get started on your next log or fence project
Phone: 208.788.4705
Reasons to Contact us Sooner Rather Than Later for Your Fence, Log, or Archway Project in Sun Valley, Ketchum, Hailey, and Bellevue
Your Landscapers Are Attempting to Grow Your Logs and Posts
A common reason for needing log repair and fence repair is sprinkler heads being too close to the logs and posts. Water tends to pool around sprinkler heads which, when too close to logs and poles, leads to constant or near constant moisture in the wood. This moisture in the wood is a prime condition for rot. You may say, well my sprinkler heads don’t pool and they spray away from my logs and posts. We will say, what happens if there is wind blowing in the opposite direction of the spray directly towards your logs and posts? Moisture in the wood leading to rot. Inspect the logs and posts that are close to sprinkler heads and more times than not you will find rot. Remember you can’t grow your house by watering the logs.

Our Calendar Fills Up Fast with Log and Fence Construction Projects
In Blaine County we have to do our fence building and most of our log repair and log construction projects when the ground is not frozen and covered in snow. This leaves a short window of time for us to fit in all of the fence contractor and log contractor projects that need to be completed in Sun Valley, Ketchum, Hailey, and Bellevue. We generally start filling our calendar up the previous year from fence and log projects that we were not able to get to before the snow flew. The sooner you get in touch with us to review your fence and log project the more likely we will be able to get to it this year.

Wildlife – Keep Them Out or Let Them Through
The wildlife we have in Blaine County is a blessing, but it can also be a nuisance if you have landscaping that you want to protect. Moose, deer, and elk like to come down from the mountains in the winter for easier foraging and less snow to contend with. This leaves your landscaping at risk. If you want to protect your plants from becoming animal food you will need a fence tall enough to prevent elk, deer, and moose from jumping it like an elk fence. On the flip side maybe you want deer, elk, and moose to be able to pass through your property unencumbered. In this case we can build you a fence where you can remove the to rail in the winter to allow easier passage for these majestic creatures to pass.

You Need a New Archway or Cigar Posts
Archway and cigar posts are a great way to accentuate the entrance to your property. We will work with you to create and custom build a log archway that will welcome you to your property for years to come. Archways are an architectural staple of the Wood River Valley. If you do not want to have a full archway you can instead do log cigar posts. Log cigar posts are vertical posts on each side of the driveway without a cross member log.

Winter Be It Snow Removal, Snow, or Trees Took a Toll On Your Fence
Snow and snow removal in Blaine County can be hard on fencing in Blaine County. Snow piles up, your three rail wood fence gets buried and next thing you know it’s spring and your fence has been damaged. The damage to fencing comes from heavy snows, but more often comes from pushing snow into the fence with snow plows, usually without knowing it. Most fences, whether a wood fence or metal fence, can’t stand up to the forces of heavy loads of snow being pushed against them. So if your fence has been damaged by last winter’s snow removal efforts give us a call for a speedy fence repair.

Your Neighbor Built a New Fence and Now Your Fence Looks Old and Sad
Supposedly comparing yourself to the “Jones’” isn’t a good idea, but what are you supposed to do when your neighbor gets a shiny new fence installed right next to yours making yours look like it is ancient? You have to take action, right!? Right. When this happens it is time for a fence overhaul. Let’s get your fencing in hailey…or your fencing in Ketchum…or your fencing in Sun Valley…or your fencing in Bellevue looking tip top.

You Have Deferred Maintenance on Your Log House or Log Cabin for Too Long
Log homes although beautiful and homie do require a fair amount of maintenance. The longer you defer log maintenance the sooner you will have a heap of rotten logs for a log house. If you properly maintain your log house and log cabin it will withstand the test of time. As soon as you start seeing log rot or chinking issues be sure to take care of it right away before more damage is done and you end up with a much larger log repair project. For log house repair and log cabin repair in Ketchum, Hailey, Sun Valley, Bellevue, Stanley, or in between give us a call.

Your Creaky Old Gate Has Gotten Too Creaky
Gate where out and when they do they tend to sag. The sagging leads to poor gate functioning until eventually you rather jump the fence than wrestle with the gate. Let’s get your gate fixed before we reach the “jump over the fence” stage. There are a few key things that must go into the building of a gate to ensure long term form and function. Fortunately, we know what those things are and happy to ensure your gates have them in place for.